The EU Commission is currently evaluating the introduction of a book-and-claim based system and assessing various options for its design and implementation. Among the currently circulating options, the Alliance identifies “Option 3b” as the preferable one, i.e.: this option allows the direct trade of virtual SAF to aircraft operators at any Union airport as well as to count the virtual SAF towards ReFuelEU Aviation compliance.
A book-and-claim system separates the physical delivery of SAF from the trading of SAF certificates. Such a system can offer flexibility to aviation fuel producers and unlock the full potential of the currently expanding SAF market. Therefore, the Alliance generally supports a book-and-claim-like system for SAF.
Nonetheless, to fully benefit from a book-and-claim system and foster the market ramp-up of SAF, the final design of the flexibility period is crucial. So far, further details of the final design are pending and there are uncertainties in the current legislation that should be clarified as soon as possible.
The paper addresses the lack of a clear definition of the term "aviation fuel supplier" within the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation. Depending on the scope of the definition, fuel suppliers that only produce SAF or eSAF could participate in the virtual SAF certificate trading. The paper addresses further crucial points, such as the compatibility of a book-and-claim system with RED III and EU ETS. The latter is particularly important to create favorable conditions for aircraft operators to uptake greater quantities of SAF.
To receive more information on the Global Alliance Powerfuels’ position, you can download the policy statement on this page: